Wednesday, July 29th   Thursday, July 30th
Using Technology Apps in the Classroom and FFA
Date: 7/29/2020 9:00 AM
This workshop will take an in-depth look at ways to utilize technology applications in your classroom and with FFA chapter activities. We will give you an inside look at a way to utilize these applications daily.

Responsibility and Liabilities
Date: 7/29/2020 10:30 AM
This workshop will discuss general descriptions and solutions available for legal liability issues that you might experience as an agricultural science teacher.

It's a Girl Thing Swapshop
Date: 7/29/2020 11:30 AM
Traditionally, it's a networking luncheon. This week, it will be a few important reminders specific to female teaches. We even have a veteran male teacher as a guest speaker to offer wisdom on what men may be expecting from a female teaching partner. As always, EVERYONE is welcome!!

iCEV Implementation: Tips, Advice & Strategies for the Beginning User
Date: 7/29/2020 1:30 PM
Learn from iCEV team members as they provide detailed demonstrations of state-approved courses, TEKs-correlation alignments and lesson plans. From automatic testing and grading to managing class rosters to industry-backed certifications, iCEV’s course content and management tools make implementation simply and easy. This workshop is intended for first time users.

Ducks Unlimited Ecology Conservation and Management Certification
Date: 7/29/2020 3:00 PM
Want to know what relevance the Ducks Unlimited Ecology Conservation and Management Certification has in the industry and how it might benefit your students? Learn from Ducks Unlimited why this certification was created, learn how easily the certification integrates into iCEV curriculum, and sit for a mini certification.

Beginning CNC for the Classroom: A Guide to Ag Equipment, Design and Fabrication
Date: 7/30/2020 9:00 AM
This workshop will discuss the basics of CNC tables and operations for those just starting to teach Ag Equipment Design and Fabrication. We will discuss how to approach administration with a purchase request, designs that your students can use to make simple projects, and teaching the class as an industry-based fabrication shop.

Practicum in Vet Med
Date: 7/30/2020 10:30 AM
This workshop is an overview designed to help teachers new to teaching the Veterinary Medicine course and the Certified Veterinary Assistant (CVA) program prepare students for success in internships and on the CVA exam.

Your First Year: Thriving, Not Surviving
Date: 7/30/2020 1:30 PM
As first year teachers, we are constantly asked if we are "surviving our first year." The purpose of this workshop will be to provide encouragement and practical skills to incoming teachers in order to thrive during their first year. In addition, this session will be facilitated by those who have just made it out on the other side!

AET Basics
Date: 7/30/2020 3:00 PM
This workshop will discuss the basics of navigating AET along with tips on how to improve record book experience, for you and your students. This includes creating new accounts, managing old accounts, setting up courses, important student profile areas and setting up successful SAE projects.
